... Wondering about the meaning of life?
... Interested in exploring the Christian faith afresh?
Why not join us for our ‘Being With’ course in the new year. The course isn’t a Bible study or a series of arguments to try to convince you that God exists. We’re not anxious to fix you. We start with the belief that you already have a wealth of experiences, including truth, beauty and goodness that will help you, in discussion with others, to find God just from your normal experiences of life.
The course runs over ten weeks covering Meaning, Essence, Jesus, Church, Bible, Mission, the Cross, Prayer, Suffering and Resurrection. There will be a daytime course and an evening course.
Being With is a course developed by St Martin-In-The-Fields, and more information can be found at being-with.org
If you would like to know more, please speak to our vicar, Rachel:
rachel@thepinkvicar.com, 07432 213946
Monday Evenings from 16th January, 7-8:30pm on zoom
Led by Rev'd. Rachel Noël and Jenny Bowyer
Zoom Meeting Id: 819 1805 2707 Passcode: 2023
Friday Daytimes from 27th January, 1:30-3pm
Led by Rev'd. Rachel Noël and LLM Sheila Munnery
