We joined together on Sunday 14th April at 3pm to worship and support candidates taking an important step in their Christian discipleship. We had 7 candidates to be confirmed and 4 candidates being admitted to receive communion. It was a joyous occasion led by the Bishop of Winchester, Rt. Rev'd. Philip Mounstephen and Rev'd. Rachel Noël.
The youth confirmation course included the making of flat breads which helped to shape the liturgy for this service. During the opening hymn, the congregation was invited to add flour to a bowl followed by some salt during Confession. Water was added to the mixture during the Hymn 'Down Mountain The River Flows' and then some oil before the Gospel Reading.
Following the Gospel reading, the mixture was kneaded and cooked to make bread before being shared amongst the congregation in the breaking of the bread at communion.
Thank you to everyone who helped to organise, played a part and came along to provide support... Below are a handful of photographs taken during the service...