The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the official Committee (Council) dealing with the business of our Church. The PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church, and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents.
At the moment the members and roles of the PCC at St. James are:
Vicar, Rev'd Rachel Noël
Churchwarden, Val Lakey
Treasurer, Lesley Dixon
PCC Secretary, Sue Quinn
Ministry Team, The Rev'd. Pam Schollar and Sheila Munnery who organise the Church services
Fabric Team, chaired by Christopher Horn who deals with the important job of maintaining our Church building
Pastoral Team, chaired by Sheila Munnery who looks after the needs and concerns of our congregation
Safeguarding, led by Suze Burgas
Val and Ron Powis are our long term advisers and other PCC members include Steve Frost (part of the Fabric Team) and Suze Burgas who is learning the ropes for the future.
Meetings are held bi-monthly with representatives from each of the Teams.
Anyone can ask to be on PCC and can be elected at the AGM, generally for a term of 3 years. Although our meetings are to formally conduct the business of the Church, the atmosphere is informal. We look forward to all new members joining us and interested parties should talk to our Churchwardens.
Further information regarding the key roles and responsibilities of Church Office Holders can be found in this link.
