St. James' Primary Academy
The church has a close relationship with St. James' Church of England Primary Academy, who use the church for all major services (Harvest, Christmas and Easter) together with curriculum learning and extra-curricular activities. In addition, the church is used for staff Eucharists, workshops and meetings at the beginning of each term.
A number of the congregation have been involved in helping the children with their maths and reading. In addition, there are church representatives on the school Governing Body.
St. James’ School is in the Diocese of Chichester Academies Trust where pupils and staff work together in the knowledge and love of God. A recent Statutory Inspection (SIAMS, 20th June 2022) reported St. James' School as 'Good'.
Learning as a family in Jesus, through Love, Hope and Forgiveness.
‘With God, all things are possible.’
Matthew 19:26

"The link between the church and the school is vital and we provide an essential community link for families. We try to act out our faith in our daily lives, with Christ as our example. We see education as an integral part of the mission of the Church to proclaim all that is good in human living, inspired through the work of God."
Headteacher and
Designated Safeguarding Lead